Bee NUCS - 5 frame nucleus of Italian Honey Bees with laying queenDescriptionORDER NOW or anytime in the coming days so we have a good estimate for quantities needed. Pay by our April 12th meeting - Or you may pay now, of course.
These nucleus hives (NUCs) consist of 5 frames of drawn comb. The frames contain some honey, some pollen, some brood in various stages of development, and a queen bee with enough worker bees of all ages to cover the frames.
These NUCs will be delivered tentatively the 19th or 26h of April at our Honey House / parking lot of the Officer Mess Hall at the Port of Tillamook Bay. Each purchaser will be notified as soon as practicable when we hear the bees are ready to be delivered.
All purchasers must make arrangement to pick the NUCs up on the day of delivery.
Please support our loyal Sponsors! Visit their website by clicking on their logos, or simply visit their businesses and thank them for their support of: Tillamook Beekeepers Association. |