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New OHB Saskatraz Queens need a home

  • 13 Jul 2024 5:37 PM
    Reply # 13381670 on 13381413
    Deleted user

    Thanks Nonda. I wasn't able to make it today, but TBA member Chris just picked them up! Happy they found a home. I had a good experience ordering from Olivarez Honey Bees in northern CA, if anyone needs a queen shipped in the future. 

  • 13 Jul 2024 7:51 AM
    Reply # 13381553 on 13381413

    Hi Ryan,

    Would it be possible for you to attend the monthly meeting today, and let the membership know about these queens? You may be able to get them sold today! 


    POTB meeting room, 11:30 am

  • 12 Jul 2024 4:53 PM
    Message # 13381413
    Deleted user

    Long story, but I couldn't find the virgin queen, queen cell or eggs after two of my hives swarmed (I captured the swarms at least), so I last week I ordered two mated OHB Saskatraz Queens from Oliverez Honey Bees in Northern California that were shipped yesterday and arrived this morning 7/12. 

    Nature can have funny timing, just inspected the hives and it looks like the those virgin queens were either good at hiding or out on mating flights. I'm going to let nature take its course with these hives, but I don't want these mated queens to go to waste. The queens and attendants are extremely active and look really healthy. They have been given a drop of water and honey when they arrived this morning. 

    Could anyone utilize two mated queens? All my hives have been split in June so I don't want to risk doing another at this time. If anyone has a big colony and wants to sell me a few frames of resources and capped brood I suppose I can make nuc. 

    Last modified: 12 Jul 2024 6:52 PM | Deleted user
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